You are invited to join us to be ‘As One at 10’ on Sunday morning... to continue to keep that time set aside to for God in prayer, worship and by opening His word - with the whole church family - but to do so at home with your household, or on your own, or wherever you happen to be.
Questions for Discussion or Personal Reflection
Activity/Response Ideas
Palm Sunday - “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” Mark 11: 1-11 Jesus coming into Jerusalem riding on a colt (donkey) shows that he is humble and he has come to serve. A. Can you think of other stories in the Bible that show us how Jesus served other people. Over the next week how can we serve other people? B. Find the biggest leaf you can in the garden. Take a rubbing of the leaf and then write something you want to praise Jesus for on it. Speak out your words of praise to King Jesus
Closing prayer - Say together:
The blessing of God Almighty, Father Son and Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen
Digging Deeper
Spend some time thinking further about v17, right down what your experience of righteousness, peace and joy have been in your life and take some time to thank God. As we approach the Easter season, is Jesus the centre of your life? What is getting in the way? What changes could you make? Do you need a friend to help you? The pastor and writer Timothy Keller, says that there are two great substitutes to the gospel message today. One is moralism – that you can make yourself acceptable by what you do. The other is hedonism – that you can find joy and life through some pursuit of pleasure. Do you agree? Have you noticed the change in the way food is treated in the Bible? Take some time to look at the food laws in Leviticus 11 or Deuteronomy 14, what do you think they are about? or read the account of Peter’s vision in Acts 9, 10 and 11 and think about what your attitude to food is. Comments are closed.
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