Financial Giving. |
Why Give?
'God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.'
2 Corinthians 9:8
2 Corinthians 9:8
Financial gifts are a living expression of our worship, a response to God's generosity and faithfulness, and a vital source of income.
If you would like to give regularly or as one off to the ministry and mission of St Swithin’s standing order and Gift Aid declaration forms are available below, at the back of the church or through the church office.
Ways to Give
Set Up a Standing Order via Bank Transfer
To set up or increase a standing order, or to make a one off donation, please use the bank details below.
Account: Walcot Parochial Church Council
Sort Code: 60-02-05 Account Number: 50935208 Reference: Giving If you are a U.K. tax payer, please fill in a Gift Aid form and bring to the church office so we can reclaim tax on your donations.
If you decide to give online (see next section), there is an easier way to agree to gift aid. |
Give Online
If you would like to give by card, please follow the link to setup a regular or one-off donation.
If you are a U.K. tax payer please consider ticking the Gift Aid declaration box to make your gift go even further.
*NB some of your donation will go to transaction fees this way, so if you are planning to give regularly, we would encourage you to set up a standing order.
More Information
Our accounts are available from the charity commission website.
Our annual budget is available from the church office and shows how carefully and prayerfully the money is used.
To find out about how you can serve in the life of the church, please visit our 'Get Involved' page.