Prayer.'Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.'
1 Chronicles 16:11 |
Why Pray?
Have you ever wondered why so many people pray?
Albert Einstein said there are only two ways to live. Either nothing is a miracle or everything’s a miracle. Either life’s a fluke and we’re just a bunch of highly evolved animals on a big rock lost in space, or there is a creator beyond creation; a God behind goodness. And if so then connecting with Him in prayer is pretty much the most mind-blowing thing you can do. Archeologists keep digging stuff up that shows people have always prayed. People of many faiths pray daily. Even atheists admit to praying sometimes.
Real prayer is a two way conversation with the living God, who loves and listens to the things we say. Jesus said, “Ask anything in my name and it will be done.”
We have a chance to ask for peace, healing, health or whatever we need. He promises to hear the whispers, cries, questions, elations and bitter sobs of our hearts. What appears to be a tiny prayer, in the vast ocean of need - in the hands of God becomes more massive than we can imagine. Life matters, you matter, your choices, thoughts, prayers and actions echo in eternity.
But in case you hadn’t noticed, God is pretty much invisible and not always easy to hear. There are distractions, disappointments and questions that we all share.
As a church, we are committed to helping everyone have that two way conversation with God in the midst of life and to connect with God in new ways. We are discovering that God is real, life is a miracle and one of the most important things you could ever do is pray.
Prayer GatheringsOur week is criss-crossed with opportunities to pray.
They include...
Nights of prayer and 24/7 weeks of prayer are interspersed through the year. They are a time to come together and stand before God and pray in creative ways.
Check out our news sheet on the 'News & Events' page to find out about upcoming Prayer Gatherings.
Prayer MinistryAll of us need help on our journey of faith. It might be that we are carrying burdens; we are not sure which way to go; or our hearts and minds are preoccupied by the places we have been or the things we have seen along the way. Healing prayer helps set us on our way again by opening us to the regenerative power of God’s Spirit.
Prayer ministry is available at most services. There is also an occasional healing service. You may also want to make an appointment with one of the team to pray with you.
Prayer ChainWe also run a prayer chain. Urgent prayer requests are sent quickly along the chain for the church to intercede. Do let us know if there is anything we can pray for.
Prayer & Fasting
Prayer is all about talking to God! There is no set formula that has to be followed. Jesus said that it is not the format or eloquence of our prayers that matter, but their honesty and earnestness (Luke 18:9-14). It is about having a relationship.
There are many good resources to help you get into the habit of spending time with God and talking to Him about your life, as well as seeking His will for the world and those you know.
A great website is 24/7 Prayer by Pete Greig, which has ideas for simple prayers, creative prayers, podcasts of mindful/meditative prayers, etc. Do check out some of the links below.